I recently discovered After School, a self-produced show by Flora Chan, where she invited guest stars to visit their alma maters and share their personal stories about their school days.
In this episode, Flora accompanies Carman Lee as Carman returns to her high school for the first time in thirty years. Flora has always been one of my favourite actresses and I've loved Carman since Never Dance Alone. I am thrilled to see them share the screen again. This episode is genuine, meaningful and sincere. I especially love Flora's soothing voice as narrator.
In this episode, Flora accompanies Carman Lee as Carman returns to her high school for the first time in thirty years. Flora has always been one of my favourite actresses and I've loved Carman since Never Dance Alone. I am thrilled to see them share the screen again. This episode is genuine, meaningful and sincere. I especially love Flora's soothing voice as narrator.